Emeriti Faculty

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Linda Allan | Associate Professor Emerita | Psychology | linda.allan@ubc.ca
Research Interests: Ageist attitudes and beliefs in different populations; the mitigation of ageist attitudes and behaviour; ageist treatment of the elderly; cognitive ageing; a cross sectional comparison of adults’ and university undergraduates’ attitudes and knowledge about elderly persons.
Courses & Teaching: Human development from a lifespan perspective including child, adolescence, adulthood and aging.
Linda Hatt | Associate Professor Emerita | Psychology | linda.hatt@ubc.ca
Research Interests: Health psychology; pain management; experimental analysis of behavior.
Courses & Teaching: Health psychology; personality.
Cynthia Mathieson | Professor Emerita | Psychology | cynthia.mathieson@ubc.ca
Research Interests: Narrative and thematic analysis; barriers to health care; identity theory.
Courses & Teaching: Community psychology; history of psychology.
Barbara Rutherford | Professor Emerita | Psychology | barbara.rutherford@ubc.ca
Research Interests: Communication between the hemispheres of the brain during reading in people with and without a reading disability such as dyslexia; developmental trends in hemispheric specialization for reading.
Courses & Teaching: Memory; cognitive processes.
Susan J. Wells | Professor Emerita | Psychology, Social Work | susan.wells@ubc.ca | 250.807.8163
Research Interests: Investigates the possible causes of overrepresentation of African American children in the United States’ out-of-home care; re-entry into out-of-home care after reunification with family; stability of out-of-home care placements; explores child welfare case types to identify characteristics that more closely represent the complexity of cases seen in the field.
Courses & Teaching: Child welfare services and policy; program evaluation; research methods.