
With more than 18,000 faculty and staff, UBC is one of British Columbia’s largest workforces. We are also one of the most progressive, consistently recognized as one of BC’s best employers.

Faculty and Staff

We value our faculty and staff members and are always looking for talented people to join our thriving team. Excellent benefits, diverse career opportunities, and a true community spirit are just some of the reasons you should consider joining our team of talented, dynamic faculty and staff. For a full list of current openings, visit UBC’s Staff & Faculty Careers page.


We also hire faculty into term appointments for a specified period of time for courses taught in the Department of Psychology. Sessional lecturers teach and/or perform related duties, including course coordination or lab supervision, for a period of less than 12 months.


The Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UBC, Okanagan campus, requires a sessional instructor to teach the following course during the 2025 summer term 1 academic year (May 12, 2025 – June 19, 2025):

PSYO 311 – Memory

An examination of memory systems and how they work. Topics will focus on how we input, store, and retrieve memories; the systems that process these memories; and the disruptions of memory in amnesia, false memory, and eyewitness testimony. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Two of PSYO 219, PSYO 220, PSYO 230, PSYO 241, PSYO 252, PSYO 270, PSYO 271, PSYO 298, PSYO 299 or 6 credits of 200-level Psychology.

*Please note: This course is offered in-person and is scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays, 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM PST. The course is capped at 30 students.

Applicants with a PhD in the discipline or a related discipline, and relevant research and post-secondary teaching experience are preferred.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vita (including but not limited to previous teaching experience), recent teaching evaluations (if available), and the name of three referees who would be willing to provide a reference letter (if requested).

Deadline for receipt of applications is January 24th, 2025. Please send application documents in electronic format using word or PDF files to, attention: Marla MacDonald. The minimum compensation rate per credit per period for the department is $3186.37 equaling $9559.11 per 3-credit course.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

All positions are subject to funding and enrolment numbers and are governed by the Collective Agreement between the University of British Columbia and The Faculty Association of the University of British Columbia.


Graduate Teaching Assistants and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants

TA Application for the 2024-25 Winter Terms is Now Open!

Psychology anticipates up to the equivalent of 35 positions to be filled by a combination of Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) and possibly Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) for its Psychology courses for the September and January terms. UTAs will only be hired if graduate students do not take the option of these positions or if more funding becomes available.

The courses for which we need GTAs /UTAs include:

  • PSYO 111 and 121
  • PSYO 270 and 271
  • PSYO 372 and 373
  • PSYO courses at the 200 level
  • PSYO courses at the 300 level

To apply for a UTA position, the student must be enrolled in a full-time bachelor degree program at UBC Okanagan [Note: A full-time student is defined as minimum of 18 credits (2 terms) for the Winter Session]. All applicants, including international students, must be permitted to work in Canada and live in British Columbia until at least April 30, 2025.

The successful Teaching Assistant may be involved in the following:

  • marking assignments, mid-terms, quizzes, and exams
  • discussion periods
  • tutorials and lectures
  • invigilation duties
  • academic assistance to students in office hours
  • various duties as appointed by the course Instructor

The hours will not exceed an average of 12 hours per week. Successful candidates could be assigned duties in one or more undergraduate courses. Wages as stated in the current BCGEU Collective Agreement are as follows:

  • Graduate TA1 (PhD program): $39.30 per hour
  • Graduate TA2 (Master’s program): $37.87 per hour
  • Undergraduate TA (bachelors program): $21.61 per hour

UBC Okanagan hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from women, visible minority group members, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity, and others who may contribute to further diversification of ideas. However, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.


Remote and on-campus work are subject to the same regulatory and statutory obligations. Work that would normally be performed on campus within British Columbia (BC) must continue to be performed at a location within the province.

Please visit and click on “view posting” to apply. Please email your resume, cover letter, and completed application form to by April 30, 2024. All applications received after this date will be kept on file in case all positions are not filled, and a secondary round is required.

**All positions are subject to budgetary approval and based on enrolment**


UBC Okanagan hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from women, visible minority group members, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. However, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.