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Jan Cioe
(He, Him, His)Associate Professor
Other Titles: Director, Undergraduate Psychology Program; Senior Academic AdvisorOffice: ART 320
Office Hours: Depends on term
Phone: Office: 250.807.8732; Home: 250-763-1225
Email: jan.cioe@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor. Not considering Psychology graduate students for September 2025 intake.

Research Summary
Human sexuality; forensics; student-driven research program based on Directed Studies and Honours work
Courses & Teaching
Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality I & II [PSYO 353 & 354]; Intro to Data Analysis [PSYO 271]
After completing my Hon. BA in Psychology, I took a year off to tour Europe. I did my graduate work in Physiological and Comparative Psychology [now known as Neuroscience & Animal Behaviour] at Western. My first academic experience was teaching an Intro Psychology class at Western and this led to a faculty position with the College of New Caledonia in Prince George. I taught a variety of courses beyond Intro, including the Psychology Crime and Deviant Behaviour. As a result, I took a sabbatical to work on a masters degree in Criminology at Cambridge University, UK. When I returned to Prince George I started a part-time position with Adult Forensic Psychiatry to provide sex offender treatment to provincial clients which I did for 20 years. In 1990, I joined Okanagan University College until it was partly subsumed by UBC Okanagan. While in Kelowna I would spend part of my summers working with Dr. Bryan Kolb at the University of Lethbridge, where I was an adjunct faculty member. When I became Head of Psychology my research slowed down. During my time as Head we were able to develop the graduate program, including the Clinical Psychology stream which is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association. My primary role now focusses on teaching [including student research] and administration [curriculum & Senate].
Ph.D. & M.A. [UWO]
M.Phil. [Cantab]
Hon. B.A. [U of T]
Research Interests & Projects
I have research interest in two broad areas: My primary areas of interest is in human sexuality with some interest in forensic psychology. Currently, my research activities are student driven in the form of Directed Studies and Honours projects. Students bring me their research ideas; this work is funded by a research grant from the Faculty of Management.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Student Projects-Directed Studies/Honours
Mallory O. Coish (2022). P490-6, Sexual Well-being and Subjective Well-being
Samantha M. Maki (2022). P490-6, Mainstream BDSM: What Does Communication Have to Do With it?
F. Dylan Nemes (2022) P490-6 Popular Pornography and Health: Understanding the Relationship between Pornography Content and Health Indicators
Kylie M. Bozic (2022). P381-6, Porn Literacy Skills: Assessing the Difference Between Formal and Informal Sex Education
Lauren Vernaleken (2022). P381-6, Online Sex Work and Self-Esteem: Assessing Reported Self-Esteem of Online Pornographic Content Creators
Parres E. G. Holliday (2021). P31 [Lit Review], Psychological and Neurological Aspects of Post-Stroke Sexual Function: A Review
Kylie M. Bozic (2021S). P381-3 [Lit Review], Sex Education: What Role Does Pornography Play?
Emily Mayzes-Kotulla (2021). P381-3 [Lit Review], Female Sexual Offenders: A Review
Emily Mayzes-Kotulla (2021). P381-3 [Research], An Analysis of the Women’s Perceptions of Pornography Standards Scale
Zainah A. Azam (2020). P381-6, Delving Deeper into Motivations: Minor-Attracted Persons and Use of Sexually Explicit Material
Samantha M. Maki (2020). P381-6, Effects Female Exposure to Natural and Modified Vulvas on Genital Self-Image
Gale Chong (2020). P381-3 [Lit Review], Race and Racism in China: A Review of the Psychological Literature
Ishika R. Bhambhani (2020). P381-3 [Lit Review], Understanding the Heterogeneity of Personality Traits Among Minor-Attracted Persons
Samantha M. Maki (2020) P381-3 [Lit Review], The Influencing Factors of Body and Genital Self-Image Perceptions in Women: What Motivates Women to Engage in Genital Alterations? A Review
Shao Yuan Chong (2019). P381-6, “Rag Them!”: Factors Associated with Decisions to Sexually Haze
Keeley Lainchbury (2019). P381-3/481-3, Parenting Desires, Intentions, and Experiences Among Minor-Attracted Persons
Hailee N. Lewis (2019). P490-6, Romantic and Sexual Relationships with Adult Partners Among Minor-Attracted Persons
Emily M. E. Draper (2019). P490-6, Parenting Style and Attitudes Toward Sexually Explicit Material
Ethan B. Klukas (2019). P490-6, The Impact of Parenting Style on Attitudes Toward Masturbation
Mackenzie Nichol (2019). P381-3, [Lit Review] Sexual Perfectionism and Pornography Consumption
Selected Publications
Musolino, E., Mundy, C., Cioe, J., & O’Connor, B. P. [IN PRESS] Bigger Isn’t Always Better: An Exploration of Social Perception Bias Against High Levels of Muscularity in Women The Journal of Social Psychology
Mundy, C., & Cioe, J. [2019]. Exploring the relationship between paraphilic interests, sex, and sexual and life satisfaction in non-clinical samples. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 28(3), 304-316. https://doi.org/10.3138/cjhs.2018-0041
LaRocque, C., & Cioe, J. [2011]. Evaluation of the relationship between body image and sexual avoidance. The Journal of Sex Research, 48(4), 397-408, doi:10.1080/00224499.2010.499522
Agar, A., Cioe, J., & Gorzalka, B. [2010]. Biology matters? Intimate relationships of young adults from divorced and intact family backgrounds as a function of biological father and male model involvement, The Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 51(7), 441-463, doi:10.1080/10502556.2010.507131 Accepted 2010.01.10
Humphries, A., & Cioe, J. (2009). Reconsidering the refractory period: an exploratory study of women’s post-orgasmic experiences. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 18(3), 127-134.
Kolb, B., Cioe, J., & Comeau, W. (2008). Contrasting effects of motor and visual learning tasks on dendritic arborization and spine density in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 90(2), 295-300.
Comeau, W., Gibb, R., Cioe, J., & Kolb, B. (2008). Therapeutic effects of complex rearing or bFGF after perinatal frontal lesions. Developmental Psychobiology, 50(2), 134-146. Accepted 2007.06.21.
Selected Grants & Awards
Award for Teaching Excellence and Innovation [$5k]
Psychology Student Union’s Professor of the Year: 2020, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2001, 1999, 1996
Teaching Honour Roll: 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
Senator: 2005-2008, 2008-2011, 2011-2014, 2017-2020, 2020-2023
Chair of Academic Policy Committee
Curriculum Committee Psychology / Faculty of Arts and Social